
Brenda Bailey Collins, 1958-2021
Brenda Bailey Collins, who worked here at the orchard through nearly forty years of constant change, died on October 28, 2021. Over all those years, she remained quiet, kind, funny, strong, determined, and ready for the next challenge. No job title begins to cover everything she was able to do, and did.
Brenda inspired absolute trust and respect in hundreds of people who worked here over the decades, and many others who met her during retail seasons. People who worked their first paying jobs here as fourteen-year-olds, decades ago, still remember Brenda's influence. Even people who knew her only on the phone have felt a loss at her passing.
Without ever promoting her talent for photography, Brenda just took stunning pictures. Her camera came to work every day. She contributed scores of beautiful shots as the ever-changing orchard and cider business called for more and more "images." Publishers of books and articles gladly used Brenda's work.
However, nature photography was closest to her heart. Rather than adding more words in her memory, we offer a small assortment of her photographs, plus one more of Brenda herself. Photos of her are rare, because generally Brenda chose to stay behind the camera. Maybe something of her spirit appears below.
For the text of her Valley News obituary, scroll beyond the photographs.
Good bye, Brenda. We thank you for everything.
Copyright Valley News, 12/03/2021
ENFIELD CENTER, NH — Brenda Bailey Collins (March 28, 1958 to October 28, 2021) died at her childhood home in Enfield Center, N.H. after a courageous 18-month battle with cancer. Her devoted husband and partner of 47 years, Delbert Collins, was at her side.
Brenda often spent her free time photographing nature while kayaking on local ponds. Her love and appreciation for the natural world was expressed in stunning photographs. She was quiet, highly intelligent, thoughtful and perceptive. She was an avid reader, an activity that sustained her through her illness. Loyal to her family and friends, she always had time for others and touched a great many lives.
Brenda worked at Poverty Lane Orchards since 1980 as part of the harvest crew, always taking on new roles over the years, from harvest and horticultural work into retail, bookkeeping and administrative tasks. She became full-time office and retail manager, a job that never stopped changing and growing.
She met every challenge, from new software, through complex regulatory requirements, to social media. Meanwhile her quiet integrity, patience, and humor inspired deep affection and trust in everyone who knew her. She also acted as in-house photographer, producing hundreds of beautiful images.
Illness finally forced her to stop working altogether in early 2021.
She was pre-deceased by her parents, George Oscar Bailey (1990) and Rhoda Ann Smith (2019). She is survived by her husband, Delbert, and son, Brian; her sisters Evelyn Bailey (Thomas Lindsay), Janice Mattern (Wesley Mattern), and Jaunita Hoisington (Rick Hoisington); many beloved nieces, nephews, and cousins, including her best friend Debbie Truman.
A service will be held in the spring.