Meanwhile can we all please feel amazed by those pale-green shapes coming out of just one little brown pointy object that quietly lived through winter? It's unpacking six entire flowers and a clutch of leaves. Similar mighty marvels are powering along everywhere, on every growing thing! It takes some stop-and-look to really get the full wow factor into our heads. Then - go ahead, be awed and dazzled by every bud on every tree or shrub or growing thing around us!. Wherever your local plant life grows - between paving stones, anyplace - it's showtime! A mind-blowing spectacle, free and open to all. You who live in southern climes may not catch the full drama here. You get to see different plants put on this budding-out spectacle throughout the year. Here's hoping you pick up a thrill from it anyway. We wish everyone strength and good luck, wherever you are. LDS