Growlers are re-fillable half-gallon jugs that you can bring up the hill for filling on - no surprise - Growler Days. We try for at least one Growler Day a month through the year. Most are on Thursdays, some are on Saturdays. Feel free to wander around in the orchards!
Basic facts 1-7:
1. Bring any suitable half-gallon jugs to fill with our dry, delicious Farnum Hillorchard ciders (7.5% alcohol by volume). You don't have to buy our growlers.
2. Refills on Growler Day cost $10.
3. New growlers cost $3 apiece.
4. We pour tastes of all the growler batches available.
5. We also do tastes/sales of Farnum Hill pre-bottled/canned ciders: Extra Dry, Extra Dry Still, and Farmhouse.
6. The FHC bottles & cans are always found in local co-ops, local chain-supermarket branches, and across the state in NH liquor stores.
7 We can take credit cards, checks or cash on Growler Days.
Any questions? Do call (603)448-1511 or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . (You may know that, across the world, many many cider orchards sell most or all of their ciders to neighbors who bring their own containers - this is an old, old practice.)
Outside Fall retail season, we open for Growler Days about one Thursday a month. To get reminders, join the off-season growler email list: write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - that way you will receive reminders to help you plan.